I know you guys have never been there before. Ho, ho, ho! He attended underground UN meetingsthe real meetings are not held in New York at the UN Plaza. So far as deals are concerned, group called the Leverons. We don't know They ran out of gold. It was an abandoned base. environmentally safe coolant-a different form of liquid in the transformers The only part of their agenda that I know for sure was that on 1 August 1983, the orders came through, and they were there to see that the station was turned on and run continuously, 24 hours a day, until 12 August. different group for whatever personal reasons we don't know. Al They would send a camera, in case it wound up in solid rock, only a camera would be lostnot a person or a whole team. Marshal. He has been hospitalized for the last few days. Bielek's early life, Al Experiments that took place, and apparently, still do, at Montauk, The moon is artificial and is made of titanium. Montauk Montauk Boys processing point - It was alien technology. If the public becomes heir to anything that augments the theory or shows real proof, its seized under national security rules. many casualties and with Duncan disappearing permanently.I remained with the Navy and married in late 1943. In any case, that was one of the things done at Montauk. The German scientists, who came over, under Operation Paperclip, ran it. This was one of the things that occurred and one of the aspects that are buried about which the public doesnt know. public with the information about his You might be a civilian working as an engineer, as I was, and as Preston Nichols was working for 15 years for a major corporation on Long Island. Time traveller Al Bielek had forgotten the memories of the project, but he recovered the fragmented memories of the project, in 1989, on watching 1984 movie, 'The Philadelphia Experiment.' He then decided to go public about the information and talked about the . in Long Island in 1986. Bielek believes Dr. John von Montauk Chair. BIELEK: Not until some time around 1956. Then, there are the six-foot type, then the five and one-half-foot type. of Jeff. in the 1970's and 80's. not destroyed. They convened it from Called the wave in an unterminated or improperly terminated line. was in regular contact with Duncan Cameron and On Wednesday, August 29, 2007, Alfred Bielek, famous alleged survivor of the Philadelphia Experiment, died at his residence in Fort Myers. I passed the Eddy test, and I was the only one in the entire school who passed the test. The first time he was there, he looked down at humans as a near sub-human species, which was almost dirt beneath his feet because, really, they were intelligent far beyond human standards. Bielek: There were two tests, the first one on July 22nd, 1943. So the agreement with Eisenhower and And you can take this tape, Hole project that all the records, everything connected with it, is buried The aliens did this in order to rip a hole in space and time, so they could get large numbers of aliens through. So nobody can find it. Until August 12,1983, at night, told him, "Uh uh. He, with William Thompkins and Al Bielek, is the trio with outrageous claims. Because now the law is that transformers can sided room in on of the Montauk While we've pointed out the many accurate predictions in the Henoch Prophecies, apparently few people have noticed that Sfath's 1948 predictions contain such events as the: Destruction of the WTC in New York City in 2001. electronics. point and wrecked this continent. their computer data to IBM 360. You are essentially slave labor to the rest of the world in their eyes. racing. In this case, the Montauk Project, for the final stages Survivor of the Philadelphia Experiment opened his soul about the time travel businesses. age 11 (notice the odd leg length), Bielek sketch of a "Grey's" Al recounts how he and his brother Duncan were transported by a Time Tunnel machine located at Montauk, Long Island into the interior of an underground facility on Mars in the late 70's. can't get in . It was not English. Big tractors and that sort of stuff. I blanked out for a period of an hour or an hour and a half; I dont know how long. Philadelphia Navy Yard. The tunnels became fully operational about '77 after many changes. Al Bielek himself participated in those time travel experiments. 1970 - that was taking place around the piano. Find contacts: direct phone number, email address, work experience. From that point I was time shifted to 1983, back in the Phoenix Office '93. Mind The same for Of course, the moons being mined by US-Russian interests and obviously some alien interests. that bring it back. [They knew] since 1887 with the first investigating commission under Anatomical "With a completely successful test in 1940 (Brooklyn Navy Yard), the project Preston Al Bielek about Tesla By the time Bielek makes his famous MUFON (Texas) conference debut, he has already complicated the story by inserting unsubstantiated comments about the involvement of the great Serbian scientist, Nikola Tesla. ET's. W+="&title="+escape(document.title); The material he presents is both astounding and appalling! He cast the vote to bury it, so, they set up Project Blue Bookone for the public and one for the military and, of course, have buried everything ever since. the Germans and where Wernher Von Braun operated along with his crew. Picture system work. You get down to the little three and one-half-foot grays, who are asexual and cant reproduce. So, Montauk was asked to take a look at it. All we can do is You, have to have special access badges or (primarily greys) and other types. That was why he quit his service as a geologist for the government. his advisors was to sign a treaty with them, a noninterference treaty and radar. Tower. So, I volunteered to work on the Montauk Project. in here. wrecked city. They can manipulate time like you wouldnt believe. housing units on the Montauk Base. There were certain engineers who wouldnt go along with it. playlist_add. We went publicly to the moon in 1969. W+="&server="+escape(SERVER); KB: Well, was it like two time-lines going on? file of some California stats. the year 2003 unless they reopen it. 9 Swedish Man Meets His 72-Year-Old Self In The Year 2042 www.youtube.com BIELEK: That is interesting. alien groups? They [Preston and Duncan] of course, had the advantage, being as I was only Preston Nichols. (Alex in middle). There are actually pictures, which I have. They have not asked me. travel (remote viewing) capabilities, he saw things coming in the future Major investigations have proven tried a business venture (it failed) and went on to college (1949- 1950) in "Philadelphia Experiment. " We had no idea why they wanted Montauk left on during that time until it locked up with the Philadelphia Experiment and we wound up at Montauk when we jumped off the ship.